The leaves will burn out if direct light hits it. Just like other tropical plants, it also wants a warm environment that is between 18-21⁰C.
Large temperature fluctuations must be avoided. Watering / spraying water around the crop, as done by PT.Cisalada Permai to deal with a situation like this, is the key that must be done.
In addition to temperature, air humidity is also a vital thing. Anthurium will grow well if the humidity is between 80-90%. Soil moisture must also be like that.Planting anthurium on a medium that is always wet or too dry will diminish its growth. With the above conditions, anthurium is suitable for planting in places with an altitude of 600-900 m above sea level.
Propagation of anthurium can be done with seeds, cuttings, or seedlings. Anthurium seeds can be produced from crosses.
Anthurium flower invaders rarely occur, because the time of maturity of male and female flowers is not concurrent.Older seeds are sown in sand. Or spangnum mos. The sprouts can be moved to the enlargement place 2 months later and can only be planted into the field after the leaves are 5-7 strands and about 20-25 cm tall.
So it takes 6-7 months. The weakness of this breeding is very long, even though the number can be tens of times.
Seedlings can also be obtained from seedlings. The seedlings that will be made must originate from healthy baby and kill fertile. It will be separated by cutting the base of the stem and must be tried so that the roots are carried away and not broken when lifted.
Another method with stem cuttings. Propagation material should be in the form of afkiran plants that are over 2 years old with a minimum height of 45 cm.The stem must have a bud. Before planting, the wound is smeared with fungicide / bactericide.
Thanks for reading successful agricultural indonesia in my blog.
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