Nursery media must be prepared one month before planting. Media should be porous, drainage is good, and contain a little humus. Planting Anthurium in heavy media (containing lots of soil) will cause late growth.Because the roots are not able to penetrate the soil deeper. The plantings in wet media will make the roots rot easily.The seedlings are planted with a spacing of 15 x 25 cm, 25 x 25 cm or 40 x 40 cm, depending on the size of the plant variety. Planting can be done in beds or boxes that contain media. The height of the plant is 20-30 cm.the plants.Or can it be in pots.
The use of chemical fertilizers for Anthurium is not too much. It is recommended to use complete fertilizers such as Hyponex, Horti grow and others. Fertilizers are dissolved in water, giving twice a week and can be at the same time as watering.
 The dosage of fertilizer is adjusted to the age of the plant and its needs. The salt must be done carefully, until the media is wet. The frequency of watering is very dependent on the weather.
If the weather is hot watering twice a day, but if it is cloudy or a lot of rain may be once every 2 days. Pests and diseases that attack Anthurium are not widely known.
 Even though sometimes there are attacks of white lice or fungi on the leaves. Systematic granular insecticides (furadan 3G) and spraying protective fungicides (Dhithane M45 / antrakol / Difolatan) are usually able to overcome the attack.
Anthurium plants are usually able to produce flowers one year after planting. Flowers will appear continuously throughout the year without knowing the season. Flowers can be harvested from the age of 55 days to 110 days after the release of flower buds. This harvest is adjusted to the needs, because at age Certain ages of Anthurium flower color change.The flower stalk ready for harvest is cut on the base. It is recommended that the base be dipped directly into clean / sterile water. Next to maintain the freshness of the flower, call the stalk direnndam in preservatives.Anthurium flower packing must be done carefully and the packing material must be soft. The printing should not be too crowded so the flowers are not cracked or damaged during shipping, because the value will drop dramatically.

Thanks for reading successful agricultural indonesia in my blog.

Trubus magazine


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