Not counting small-scale commercial mango gardens. Not including the people's orchards are spread in Kab.Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, and Majalengka (West Java) and Kab.ngawi, Nganjuk, Pasuruan, probolinggo, Gresik, and Situbondo (East Java).Many experts in Thailand who learn mango in Indonesia.for them, mango is a commodity that is still relatively new. The fruit that they have been paying more attention to and they developed a large scale are durian, lychee, longan and orange.
Lychee and longan is more aimed at the export market, while durian and citrus are marketed domestically.
There are two reasons why Indonesian mangoes are never counted for Thailand farmers. Firstly, Indonesia's mango season that falls in July (west java) and october (east java )does not coincide with the mango season in Thailand which falls in March-May.
Indonesia with a population of about 195 million people isa very large market for mango products, almost all of our product mango sold out by the local market.
In Indonesia mango including fruit that the difference between demand and supply is still very large. Noted, there are types of fruit whose production is still very less namely mango oranges and durian.Other commercial fruits such as pineapple, banana, papaya, watermelon, and melon actually still experience production deficit.
But the folume deficiency is relatively small. Among the three types of fruit that the big deficit was Mango including fruit that has been planted. seriously. while the orange and more -more durian supply still more relies on the garden of the people and garden plants.Mango's production deficit in Indonesia is mainly due to higher demand than its supply. Consequently, although still in small volumes , now are beginning enter to Indonesia, Australian mango, Thailand mango and even Malaysia mango.
Trubus magazine
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