The main key of care is the wrapping of fruit.The fruit still nipple should be immediately wrapped with old teak leaves.Wrapping is done before the rain down.Fruit to be wrapped selected that is still smooth, no black dots.Wrapping is wearing old teak done because it is resistant to rain for two months.Young teak leaves are not durable.Before the ripe fruit, the wrappings are hole.Flats come to attack and damaged starfruit.On the contrary if you use plastic fruit will fall out before cooking. In addition, plastic translucent sunlight so that star fruit produced pale color, not yellow reddish.It is not as sweet as fruit wrapped in teak leaves.
Beside wrapping, which need to be considered is loose soil.Starfruit is including fruits that like loose soil.dan easy to drain the excessive water.That is why once a year the land around the trees needs to be plowed. The piracy is done when the dry season arrives, when the soil is cracked.
Along with that, the owners of 400 starfruit trees once a week to water the tree. Watering is not done per tree. Water sucked pump is pumped enough flow through the ditches deliberately made between the rows of star fruit.Depth ditch about 25 cm.
Fertilizer in use is TSP with a dose of about 1/4 kg per tree.The way by immersing the fertilizer around the stem as a tree canopy. But this fertilization is not necessarily done once a year.
Nevertheless the starfruit tree thrives because the soil in the garden is indeed fertile.The color is blackish with nutrient rich.
To prevent pests and diseases that is by spraying azodrin mixed with fertilizer leaves Band D and D. Dose, azodrin as much as 4 lids mixed 4 tablespoons of gandasil dissolved in 20 liters of water.By techniques like this ,
we can produce a large and smooth star fruit with color stimulate the taste buds.
Thanks for reading successful agricultural indonesia in my blog.
Trubus magazine
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