Here are the things to note:
1.Select seeds
Choose seeds that fit the market demand and resistant phytophthora.Masalah until now not yet available seeds that meenui criteria.Long time ego, atlantik, kennebec and granola quite resistant.However, after years of planting, they began to be vulnerable to Phythophthora.Avoid planting burbank and katela rushes as it is very susceptible to all rotting fungal leaf races.
Plant seedlings at the right age. Seeds that are too young, with one bud possible growth less uniform. The result is difficult maintenance.If too old with many buds, grow less fertile, and sensitive attacks, Seedlings with 2 or 3 buds more precise.
2.Select location
Avoid planting potatoes in the area of blight pocket.some of locations that belong to the area include:
1.Near with trees.Because, the wind that blocked the trees result
slow dry dew and moist leaves
2.Close a badly drained sprinkling pole, gutter, or pond
3.Loot steep, narrow terraced soil, intercropping area with perennials,so spraying less freely.
4.Location of many weeds so that the land is thick and high humidity.
In addition, rotate with other plants outside the solanaceae family for 8month. The goal is to keep infected tubers left in the field growing and easy
Potatoes that do not get away sorting during the harvest should not be left buried
on land.buried in locations far from the mining area or make the animal feed.
Planting too tightly resulting in high humidity. For that, perlebar spacing to 10-20% compared to the dry season.
In this way high humidity can be avoided.The distance between the planting blog should not be too close. The goal is to splash the rain water containing spores not about the blog next. Because spreading through water splash is much more dangerous than the wind.
Provision of fertilizer in the rainy season is different from the dry season. Give nitrogen split 2/3 at planting time, and 1/3 when growing.Adjust the fertilization with soil conditions. For sand and sandy textured soil andosol soils, the composition is 1: 2: 1 to 1: 2: 2. High doses of potassium can increase plant resistance to disease.
Conversely, most nitrogen leads to excessive vegetative growth, easy to fall and susceptible to disease.
Keep sanitary land by removing plants that grow from the tubers left on the ground.
If found berck on the leaves, immediately pick and drop as far as possible from the land. Perform careful monitoring on the area of blight pocket type.
In some developed countries, the method of combining temperature data, humidity, rainfall to predict the type of attack is used.
This method also features a spore capture tool. In fact, there is a special mokrokomputer program for attack control called potato crop Management.
When the potatoes start growing, spray the fungicide 600-800 l / + ha. The volume is more effective than 1000-1400 l / ha.
Because, the leaf capture power is only 600 liters, the other drops to the soil. Use 3 types of fungicides to control the level of attacks are different, contact, translaminer, and systematic strong.
The contact fungicide protects the surface of the plant from the spores. It is suitable for prevention. However, if the attack already spreads into the plant tissue the straw leaves are attacked.
Or use a strong translamine or systemic fungicide type for spraying. That type is able to eradicate the infection.
Phytophthora infestans do not last long outside the host. For that let all the stems of plants die 2-3 weeks before harvest to skin strong bulbs and clean leaves from spores. Another way to prune the stem of the plant 2 weeks before harvest. When also sprayed contact herbicide.Potatoes that are exposed to rain should be in wind wind or dikipas to dry skin. Remember, humidity is the trigger of spore growth.
Thank for reading successful agricultural indonesia in my blog.
Trubus Magazine
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