agriculturalIf the fruit is too much in a bunch, the size is small until it can not enter in the category of quality 1 which requires a minimum fruit size of 11 cm.In addition, with too many fruits, the plant becomes terforsir, weak, susceptible to pest / disease and productive age.
 The fruit is too much in a bunch as well as reduced, so that the remaining 10-12 pieces . also less good fruit, defects, small, and pain should be removed. With thinning fruit is expected to use nutrients focused for the development of selected fruits, so the fruit becomes better and bigger.
Known pests often attack the vanilla plants are grasshoppers, snails, caterpillars, or some types of lice. Although not many, the pests should be quickly overcome so as not to multiply and harm the plants.The most annoying when the vanilla affected by the fungus, especially fusarium fungus sp. Infection fungus is very detrimental, because it can reduce production, even deadly plants.

Fusarium sp.when attacking all parts of the plant, such as roots, stems, leaves, shoots or fruit. Fungi enter through wounds on roots, stems or through rain water splashing, wind, insects, humans, or farming tools that carry fungal spores.The fungal attack is characterized by the appearance of black or brownish black spots. When conditions are suitable for the growth of the fungus, the spots will extend around the stem. As a result the plants wither, yellowish, dry and fall out.Plants that have been hit by the fungi are difficult to cure.One way is to remove the infected plants from the planting area, and remove the part of the plant that has been sprayed with a fungicide made from active mancozeb or benomil.As a precautionary measure, the moisture regulation must be considered,pruning, especially in the rainy season. In addition, once every two weeks the plant is sprayed with the recommended dose of fungicide.
 The accuracy of the harvest greatly determines the quality of vannilla that will be produced. In the quality standard, it is stipulated that the quality of the vanillin content is a minimum of 2.25%. The high vanillin content can be obtained if the harvest is done when the fruit is ripe.Fruits harvested too young will produce vanilla low levels.on the contrary, overcooked fruit is also not good, because many pods are broken.harvestable fruit is a fruit that is 9 months or older since pollination, yellowish green, the tip of the fruit yellow, but not broken.Because maturation is not simultaneous, then the vanilla fruit picked one by one selectively. Only the fruit that has been cooked is picked.
 picking the vanilla fruit from the stalks should use scissors or a small knife carefully so as not to damage other fruit that should not be picked. The way the fruit bunches are held with the left hand and the fruit stalk to be taken is sliced or trimmed.

Thanks for reading successful agricultural indonesia in my blog.

Trubus magazine


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