agriculturalPruning on show for climbing plants / protector or for vanilla plants.Pruning the protective plants, the goal is to adjust the humidity and light intensity appropriate for vanilla.
 Although vanilla needs shade it does not mean letting the protective plants grow uncontrollably lush.
The environment is too dark, and humid encourages the emergence of pests / diseases that are not desirable.
Pruning of protective plants is done once a year, before the rainy season. Before vanilla in the planting of the formation of a protective tree, so that forming branches of 1.5-2 meters above the ground.Selected branches are spread out so that the light received vanilla also spread evenly.While unnecessary branches are otherwise cut. The next pruning is done to regulate the moisture and intensity of sunlight.Branches that rise and look too trimmed are trimmed, but not exhausted. So the incoming light intensity received vanilla approximately 70%.
Vanilla plants that also need to be trimmed to stimulate the growth of branches to be able to mnghasilkan good quality fruit.
Towards the flowering plants, the edges of the branch are cut along
10-15cm .To stimulate the growth of new branches that will produce flowers. After flowering shoots any branch-top branches need to be cut / dirempes to complete the conception.
After the harvest, the pruning of shoots of branches, both fruitful and not yet. This pruning will encourage the emergence of new branches so that the plants back productive. Pruning done before the rainy season so that buds grow a lot.
 If done during the dry season is usually not good growth.But if the shoots grow too much, better is reduced. Cause if left too much will form a weak branch.
Although stamens and pistils are in one flower, vanilli plants can not self-pollinate.Because the pistil's head is covered by a flowering tongue (labellum) that blocks the occurrence of pollination naturally. Without removing the barrier there is no fertilization possible.Vanilla pollination can occur only when there is human or insect support.In Mexico, vanilla can bear fruit without human help thanks to the bees who likes to fiddle with flowers and infiltrate the inside.Pollen will be attached to the body of the bee and when the bee infiltrated into the flower of pollen will stick to the head pitik so that pollination occurs.Pulling a vanilla flower is actually not difficult, just use a stick of toothpicks or stick. The trick, the left hand holds the flower so that the back of the pistil sticks against the index finger. Right hand holds a toothpick or a piece of stick and pulls the labellum that closes the stigma open. 
Furthermore, the sari head is bent toward the pistil's head, pressed slightly to touch and pollination occurs.
 Flower arrangements (bunches) consist of 15-20 flower buds that blooms are not simultaneous. The most only 2-3 buds that bloom and only last a day saja.Oleh therefore, marriage should be selectively done only on flowers that bloom only.
 Pollination is done on the morning of noon until 10.00.
The success of the vanilla pollination is marked by the flowering of 2-3 days later, but not soon fall and the fruit will be formed. When pollination fails, the flowers immediately wither and fall.

Trubus magazine


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