
Showing posts from February, 2019

Incubate swallow eggs with foster parent seriti

         Seriti birds that have made their nests in the house swallow and produce eggs can be used as a means to bring swiftlet.   way, just change the egg or saplings with eggs or walet puppies. That way, swallows can be raised. Bird seriti ( collocalia esculenta ) is still a family with swallow (collocalia fuciphaga ) often used as a precursor in crawling swallows, ie by way of faking eggs. For example seriti has a swallow-like behavior.          In laying together to produce 2 eggs.The size and color of her body was almost the same, the difference is white feathers.   As well as his son, is very similar to seriti can not distinguish his own son with a swallow. The practice of faking eggs seriti with swallow is basically to accelerate the presence of swallow that is a little force. Experience of swallow house owners in tuban area (east java, the percentage of success this way almost 100%.   ...


It has been along time.citrus farmers got disester due to de greening disease or CVPD (citrus vein phloem degeneration ) So named because of the veins by the tapis ( phloem ) main his ruptured achilles tendon leaves orange .This had degeneration to maintain the same level capable of being had to go through with the results of photosynthesis to other parts. Colored leaves which was originally green to yellowish except the sceletal leaves keep on green. This is a golden age of disease that destroys plants orange about twenty years ago ~Even now is still a serious threat to farmers orange. Experts plant disease convinced the cause was organisms similar bacteria( Bacterium-Like Organisme=BLO ) This disease spread by insect ( vectors ) caper called diaphorrhina citri. Of the insect is easy fly and jumping from the plant one to another plant.When leafy plant young ( trubus ), d.citri that was fast increase itself ~ Besides on orange , vector can also be living from pre...


   Formerly chicken manure becomes a serious problem in chicken farms because it is a source of odor and pollution. but now chicken stools are converted into useful organic fertilizer.   farms of 70,000 laying chickens combined with 20 hectares of orange (citrus mitis) and citrus or lime (citrus amblycarpa ) plantations have been conducted by Irawan Yuwono in Palembang since the early 1990s. Per orange tree fertilized 75-100kg ( 3-4karong ) chicken feces, which is given twice a year. This fertilizer is extracted from the collected piles of feces and dries under a cage that can be used directly to fertilize the crop, as it has been fermented for about 6 months.   the result, the plant can bear fruit continuously -menerus not know the season. Average per tree produces 60 kg of citrus fruit per year. Processing of chicken feces into compost or organic fertilizer has also been done Muin Fattah , Chairman of the Mekar Asih Farmer Group in Sukasirna vill...


A good egg comes from a goodduck. In general,the good quality duck body is balanced. Matching fur color. The male parent's bearing should look like a female duck so that the child will be mostly female. From a hundred duck's most only 30% are good quality. Eggs from the parent quality it still needs to be selected again, for example based on the color. Eggs from the parent duck quality it still needs to be selected again, for example based on the color. There is a pale green egg (leucorrhoea ). There is a dark green, some are light green. The form of an egg is too round, too long and oval.That is chosen egg-shaped oval.Eggs the selection results of the next day should be directly hatched.kalau suspended hence to tetasnya power has risen and other reduced to the 60 %.Particularly since it would be stored in a moist. While waiting the egg is hatched ,the eggs laid in egg container.With the pointed part of under so as to air sac sheltered.An air sac this is what respiratory i...


Planting good anthurium will make anthurium flower throughout the year, Without being affected by the season. The key lies in the media and adequate environmental conditions. Anthurium comes from tropical regions. However, that does not mean that planting anthurium in Indonesia can be done easily. It needs temperature, light and adequate soil and air. In order for good growth Anthurium requires an open place ( enough ventilation ), but is not exposed to direct sunlight - the intensity is around 40-60%. The leaves will burn out if direct light hits it. Just like other tropical plants, it also wants a warm environment that is between 18-21⁰C. Large temperature fluctuations must be avoided. Watering / spraying water around the crop, as done by PT. Cisalada Permai to deal with a situation like this, is the key that must be done. In addition to temperature, air humidity is also a vital thing. Anthurium will grow well if the humidity is between 80-90%. Soil moisture must also b...