agriculturalIt has been along time.citrus farmers got disester due to de greening disease or CVPD(citrus vein phloem degeneration)
So named because of the veins by the tapis ( phloem ) main his ruptured achilles tendon leaves orange .This had degeneration to maintain the same level capable of being had to go through with the results of photosynthesis to other parts.

Colored leaves which was originally green to yellowish except the sceletal leaves keep on green.
This is a golden age of disease that destroys plants orange about twenty years ago ~Even now is still a serious threat to farmers orange.Experts plant disease convinced the cause was organisms similar bacteria(Bacterium-Like Organisme=BLO)
This disease spread by insect ( vectors ) caper called diaphorrhina citri.Of the insect is easy fly and jumping from the plant one to another plant.When leafy plant young ( trubus ), d.citri that was fast increase itself ~Besides on orange , vector can also be living from prey on other plants as kemuning , kingkit , or grass.
hence , is that it represents an crops that is harmful to the development of a host plant citrus and have to avoid the growth  in the orange area ~
Requirements rehabilitation

Besides CVPD .Ther is another opinion on the cause of broken orange plants . The practitioners of the field deny diagnosis is accusing cvpd a source of caladium may growth orange in indonesia~They say emphatically that destruction is taken because of the disturbances.And bad management planting.
Both opinion is correct because the disease And lack of hara plants each other support association of hasten death plants
Hence, farmers who finished might want to return of the orange like the old days need to apply the principle of farming based agribusiness well ~Vital prerequisite that must be made in development agribusiness plants orange return ( rehabilitation )are:
1. Had to be selected land qualified agroekologi.
2.Garden has to clean from the source of cvpd and another viruses it mean that all herbs is considered useful be a plant a host or place to hide disease-causing organisms / insects vector be cut off without any tolerance a little,( dieradikasi )
Seeds to be planted should be free cvpd and another pathogens bibit this come from the results of copying through continued micro or stg ( shoot tip grafting ) the seed of  orange quality who did not come from stg is doubted his freedom of CVPD , Even though he had indexted( tested laboratory ).
Could have when taken sample for testing the freedom of CVPD, pathogenic is still in phase incubation.
While the figure fell to a symptom of have been sick for more new cvpd springs from a sense of three months after the patogen gain an entrance into the leaf tissue the incubation period of the there for a long time.
4.Eradicate intensively diaphorrchina citri , insects systematic vector CVPD by the use of an insecticide ~
5.Maintenance plants parasites the usual attached to the branches and lichens attached to stems must be cleaned because could mean death the main plant.the buds water growing erect and fast at the base of the branches and shoots wild in the field of grafting or under it should be fast is thrown.the branch that weak and growing meetings also should be fast cut with scissors prune.

Scissors prune or blade grafting used to cut have to sharp, clean and steril.because, instrument of metal this could transmitting disease CVPD and foul brown that attacks branch.beside that the condition garden also has to clean from weeds and reeds -sege and not excessively moist.
Trubus magazine

Eradicate intensively diaphorrchina citri , insects systematic vector cvpd by the use of an insecticide ~




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