
Showing posts from August, 2018

ADENIUM(part 1)

Adenium is a plant that comes from the family Apocinacea. This plant lives in dry areas that have low rainfall and high temperatures. Many adenium encountered the Arabian, Somali, and South African countries. This plant has the ability to survive in extreme areas. Basically, Adenium is a succulent plant that all parts, especially the bulb, are capable of storing water. In its original habitat, adenium leaves and stems are highly favored by ruminant animals such as antelopes. Adenium has oval-shaped leaves to narrow, green, and rather hard with protruding veins. This plant has flowers that are similar to frangipani flowers, shaped like trumpets with beautiful colors. The first adenium crossing was done by a curator of plants from the Arizona Desert Museum. In 1985, he crossed the obesum Adenium with swazikum Adenium. These breeds gave birth to the Adenium Crimson Star.   Tips for caring for adenium a. Proper planting media   Media that is often used to pl...


The shape of the leaf is like the fingers of the hand. The color is bright yellow with a protruding leaf bone. That's why he was nicknamed the Philodendrom Gold Finger, the golden finger. The number of fingers is 4-6 pairs, with the pointed end. The surface is slippery with a slightly protruding leaf bone. The length of the golden finger leaves is foam up to 40 cm. with a width of 20-25 cm. The leaves appear from the tip of the stem, covered with white shades. The young leaves are slightly white, heart shaped and not yet spotted. The leaf stalks are yellow too, cylindrical. With a length of up to 40 cm. These stems are arranged cross-sectionally and originate on the stem sections. There is the base of the lower leaf stalk usually interspersed with the emergence of roots that are yellow and white. These roots will immediately redeem the planting medium and are useful for strengthening the stem. If the body is quite porous and not too wet, the new roots will not appear on t...


ENTRY Nursery media must be prepared one month before planting. Media should be porous, drainage is good, and contain a little humus. Planting Anthurium in heavy media ( containing lots of soil) will cause late growth. Because the roots are not able to penetrate the soil deeper. The plantings in wet media will make the roots rot easily. The seedlings are planted with a spacing of 15 x 25 cm, 25 x 25 cm or 40 x 40 cm, depending on the size of the plant variety. Planting can be done in beds or boxes that contain media. The height of the plant is 20-30 cm. the plants.Or can it be in pots.   MAINTENANCE The use of chemical fertilizers for Anthurium is not too much. It is recommended to use complete fertilizers such as Hyponex , Horti grow and others. Fertilizers are dissolved in water, giving twice a week and can be at the same time as watering.   The dosage of fertilizer is adjusted to the age of the plant and its needs. The salt must be done carefully, unti...

Yellow striped disease prevention on red onions

Yellow mottle is caused by a type of virus such as onion yellow dwarf virus, leek yellow stripe virus, and shollot latent virus.   Infection of each of these viruses varies. These viruses can attack singly or together. Historically, yellow stripes were recorded for the first time in West-United States around 1916. Then it turns out that this disease attack not only occurs in western Virginia, but also found in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Britain, the Soviet Union, France and Germany. In Indonesia, this disease is spread in onion production centers such as Majalengka, Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal, and Madura. The results of the institute's horticultural research institute said the percentage of affected plants was around 25-26% . Symptoms Yellow spots are easily seen on the leaves of plants that become small, there are pale yellow or green lines extending in the direction of the leaves with yellow or pale green which will appear when approached. Plant growth is als...