ADENIUM(part 1)

Adenium is a plant that comes from the family Apocinacea. This plant lives in dry areas that have low rainfall and high temperatures. Many adenium encountered the Arabian, Somali, and South African countries. This plant has the ability to survive in extreme areas. Basically, Adenium is a succulent plant that all parts, especially the bulb, are capable of storing water. In its original habitat, adenium leaves and stems are highly favored by ruminant animals such as antelopes. Adenium has oval-shaped leaves to narrow, green, and rather hard with protruding veins. This plant has flowers that are similar to frangipani flowers, shaped like trumpets with beautiful colors. The first adenium crossing was done by a curator of plants from the Arizona Desert Museum. In 1985, he crossed the obesum Adenium with swazikum Adenium. These breeds gave birth to the Adenium Crimson Star. Tips for caring for adenium a. Proper planting media Media that is often used to pl...