The peasants know that Indonesia is the world's third largest mango-producing country. India's number one position is held. However, the Thai farmers never consider Indonesia and India in the mangrove trade competition at the world level. In Southeast Asia is calculated by the Thai farmers precisely the Philippines with Carabaonya.Di world level, they calculated is Australia, Mexico and Egypt. Currently, mangoes in Indonesia have been commercially planted in medium and large scale. There are five medium and large mango plantations. Not counting small-scale commercial mango gardens. Not including the people's orchards are spread in Kab.Subang, Indramayu, Cirebon, and Majalengka (West Java) and Kab.ngawi, Nganjuk, Pasuruan, probolinggo, Gresik, and Situbondo (East Java). Many experts in Thailand who learn mango in Indonesia.for them, mango is a commodity that is still relatively new. The fruit that they have been paying more attention to and they deve...