A good vanilla quality requirement is set in the standard of trade quality. This standard consists of general terms and specific terms. General conditions: vanilla fruit has a distinctive aroma of vanilla.
The color is shiny black, brownish black to brown.Polong is full, oily, flexible to slightly stiff or less stiff.
It should also be free from foreign objects and kapang.while special requirements are distinguished in three categories, namely quality 1, quality 2, quality 3.Panili quality 1: whole pod, minimum length 11 cm, maximum moisture content 35% and vanillin minimum 2.25%. Quality 11: whole or cut pod, minimum length 8 cm, moisture content 25% and vanillin 1.5.Quality 111: pod cut or minimum length of 8 cm, minimum moisture content 20% and minimum vanillin level 1.0.
Quality like this is not only determined when processing the results. A good cultivation way is also a determinant of success to achieve the desired quality.
Vanilla can grow well in areas located between 10⁰ northern latitudes and 20⁰southern latitudes.With rainfall 2,000-3.000mm per year and humidity approximately 80%. The loose soil, crumbs and humus, strongly supports the growth of vanilla plants.
Vanilla planting land should be prepared, about a year earlier. Because it must be planted first climbing plants. Ground is processed by hoe or plow to loose and crumb. All the pest plants, the remains of stumps, roots or chunks of stone removed from the planting area.In addition to hoe / dibajak, made elebar beds 120-150cm.mengarah to the east-west. Distance between beds of 30 cm wide, formed like a trench to facilitate, made a planting hole size 30x30x40 cm³
Distance between holes or spacing approximately 150 cm.In hole we plant a climbing plant that also serves as a protector of vanilla plants.There are some climbing plants that can be used. Condition is easy to dense plants, leaves are not easily killed, when trimmed quickly recovered, and have roots that bersimbiose with nitrogen bacteria. For example, lamporo, dadap, mindi or albisia.
Trubus magazine
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