Borneo salak Borneo is famous for its unique colored fruits, such as jackfruit versus red fruit. Now there is found again a unique salak with red scales. In his place of origin he called romunjan (salacca avinis ). The shape was strange, the top forming the nipple.The fruit sign is long, overlaid more than 50 pieces of medium size. Moreover, it is sweet with the texture of soft meat that resembles the sweetness of salak.Tekstur is not common in Indonesia. But in thailand, this textured bark is more expensive. The weakness may be because the seeds are still quite large. In addition to red color, this salak can also be distinguished from other barks by looking at the location of the leaf sitting groups in the midrib. surface under the le af was not covered with white coating as salak generally. Bali salak May be everyone has ever heard bali.Beautiful taste, sour with thick flesh make this bali bark is popular. Although it is famous, but not many people know that the...