ALPHONSO Mangoes include tropical fruit with the widest spread. No wonder he is nicknamed the best loved tropical fruits. The indigenous plants of India have been cultivated since 4000 years ago in the Indo-burma region including pakistan, Sri Lanka and indocina.Alexander the Great, king of mekedonia has seen the mango gardens in the indus valley in 327 BC, 4 years before his death. Currently Mangifera indica can be found in many countries in dunia.Minimal 60 countries in the world of mango producers.Production of 16 countries of which reached more than 100,000 tons / tahun.India became the largest producer with control of 60% world production.Other major manufacturers Mexico, Brazil , Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Haiti, Zaire, and Madagascar. Here are some of the most popular varieties on the world market. This Indian pride mango is golden-yellow when it matures. Oval shape with a length of 10-15 cm. Golden yellow meat, solid, slightly fibrous ...